
sudoku : when only one trivalue remains, there is not necessarily a BUG+1

The object of this post had been to prove that when there is a single trivalue, then one of its candidates ocurs exactly three times in its 3 units and that this is the true candidate.
However here is a counter example from link : where G6 is a sole trivalue without any of its candidates leading to BUG.

5 4 67 | 23 9 26 | 8 37 1
3 9 2 | 14 17 8 | 67 5 46
78 1 68 | 35 67 45 | 39 2 49
78 3 4 | 6 18 17 | 5 9 2
6 2 78 | 59 4 59 | 1 78 3
1 5 9 | 27 28 3 | 67 4 68
29 8 5 | 49 26 146 | 39 13 7
29 7 1 | 8 3 29 | 4 6 5
4 6 3 | 17 5 79 | 2 18 89

Sea Biscuit

This was memorable sporting occasion in 1938. It is said that half the country including FD Roosevelt followed on radio.
clipped from www.youtube.com
 powered by clipmarks



Estonia in the snow

Our Baltic brothers in winter-time link

Lion Out of Africa....

Intriguing combination : I've asked the photographer what the location was. This is the link, and if he replies it will show here


Koi fish

Superb . Taken in Malaysia. Link


buffalo and coyote

Just an amazing photo. Given the title of "Respect" by the photographer. Taken in Yellowstone Park. Note : the apparent absence of shadow from the coyote is explained here link

Mick the Miler...maybe

from this link


Paris in the snow

Luxembourg gardens in the snow of February 2005

Little known facts

From this site these gems (amongst many) :

  • The largest number whose name does NOT contain the letter "n" is EIGHTY-EIGHT.
  • ZENZIZENZIZENZIC (eighth power of a number) has more Z's than any other word in English. The word is in the OED. It was suggested by Robert Recorde, 16th century writer of popular math textbooks, although in his spelling the last letter of the word was k.
  • Words spelled with a number of letters equal to the number itself :
  1. Maori : KOTAHI TEKAU MA ONO (16)
  • Shortest French pangram : "portez ce vieux whisky au juge blond qui fume."
  • In 1950, Time magazine printed the following suggested correction in its letters column:
Shouldn't Ausserordentlichhochgeschwindigkeitelectronenentwickelndessch
-werabeitsbeigollitron [Time, March 13] read Ausserordentlichhochgeschwindigkeitelectronenentwickelndessch

(Rev.) T.M. Hesburgh
Notre Dame, Ind.



Nathaniel Hawthorne "Easy reading is damn hard writing."

A periodic table of visualisation methods

Very interesting presentation on this clever, dense one page website

imaginative jargon

A few examples from a site on imaginative jargon with text for RDB modified by me :

Bangalored [adj.]Having been fired after your position was transferred to India. "Last month they bangalored our entire tech support department."
Circular file [n.]The garbage can. "Toss that company newsletter in the circular file for me."
Disambiguate [v.]A ridiculous 5-syllable word invented to replace 'clarify.'
Dopeler effect [exp.]The principle that stupid ideas sound better when they come at you quickly.
LOMBARD [n.]Lots Of Money But A Real Dumbass.
Meta ignorance [n.]Being unaware of what you don't know. A common problem for managers and politicians.
Mouse potato [n.]The modern cousin of the couch potato. They typically spend hour after hour in front of the computer.
Phone shui [n.]In thick buildings, this is the art of adjusting the placement of your cellphone to find a signal.
RDB [n.]Rectal DataBase. Presumed origin of very poor ideas...
Two-comma [adj.]Anything that costs over 1,000,000. "We just landed a two-comma contract this morning."
Yogurt cities [n.]Places that have an 'active culture', meaning a large number of museums, theatres, art galleries, etc.
Zerotasking [v.]Doing nothing.

Lilac Breasted Roller

A very fine photo of this common resident of Southern Africa.
Reference for the standard work on Southern African birds by Kenneth Newman


halong bay

a fabulous picture, here is the source

web 2.0 tools

text directly from this interview

What tools do you use out there on the web that you find useful? Are you a devotee of any of the "Web 2" tools?

One can think of the Web as a place where multiple overlapping global conversations are taking place simultaneously. To keep up with these conversations I have established my online home at Netvibes, which allows me to integrate almost all of the tools I use and organize them into different “tabs” in a way that fits with my online life. I have a tab for blogs and comments which allows me to track multiple online conversations, along with a blog search module that updates whenever somebody posts something related to the topics I am currently interested in.

To keep up with parts of the global conversation that might not have a simple RSS feed, I use feeds from social bookmarking services like Diigo and Del.icio.us. As a visual anthropologist I also need to monitor parts of the conversation taking place in photos and videos. Sites like Flickr that allow photo tagging make it easy to monitor the photos, and with new video services like Viddler, Mojiti, and Bubbleply that allow users to tag, comment, and create their own content within and on top of existing videos, it will soon be possible to be alerted the moment somebody uses a tag to describe any particular piece of an online video. On the other end of the media spectrum, it is now easier than ever to keep track of traditional paper-based journals as well, as many are now providing RSS feeds and putting the articles online. This has created tremendous potential for Cite-U-Like, a social bookmarking service for academic journals, which I use to alert me whenever somebody uses a certain tag, or when somebody with similar interests as me tags anything.

The best tools are those that are flexible enough to be used beyond that for which they were intended. The more a web service can build this kind of flexibility in, the better, as it can tap into the collective intelligence of those using the service to extend its possibilities. Netvibes has this built right in by allowing users to create their own modules. With the help of an “API maker” like Dapper, we can create almost anything we need and integrate it into Netvibes, further extending our ability to keep track of those parts of the global conversation that interests us the most.

As a university professor I have also found Facebook to be useful. I was inspired to use Facebook for teaching by something I saw while visiting George Mason University. Like many universities, they were concerned that the library stacks were rarely being accessed by students. Instead of trying to bring students to the stacks, they brought the stacks to the students, placing a small library right in the middle of the food court where students hang out. We can do the same with popular social networking tools like Facebook. Facebook is not only great for expressing your identity, sharing with friends, and planning parties, it also has all the tools necessary to create an online learning community. Students are already frequently visiting Facebook, so we can bring our class discussions to them in a place where they have already invested significant effort in building up their identity, rather than asking them to login to Blackboard or some other course management system where they feel “faceless” and out of place.


video on web 2.0

a video that presents in its own way what web 2.0 is about

food for thought

seen in a posting to a blog

He quotes Chris Bowers of MyDD whose perspective is political blogging not academia, who writes, " After two and a half years of virtually non-stop blogging, my perception of myself as a distinct individual has dramatically waned. My interior monologue has virtually disappeared. I no longer have aesthetic-based epiphanies, and I almost never concern myself with examining internal passions or emotions anymore. Blogging has not just changed the activities in which I engage--the activities in which I engage in order to be a successful blogger have profoundly altered the way my mind operates and the way I conceptualize my agency in relation to others. In effect, I do not exist in the same way I once existed."

A short quote from Jean Monnet

Rien n'est possible sans les hommes
Rien n'est durable sans les institutions

from Jean Monnet, a founding father of Europe


for those who have doubts about the word social

taken from a comment to a post on a blog ("scobleizer") :

  1. This reminds me of an old discussion about social software.
    Friedrich Hayek famously said that the word ’social’ empties the noun it is applied to of their meaning. Hayek goes on:
    “it has in fact become the most harmful instance of what, after Shakespeare’s ‘I can suck melancholy out of a song, as a weasel sucks eggs’ ( As You Like It , II, 5), some Americans call a ‘weasel word’. As a weasel is alleged to be able to empty an egg without leaving a visible sign, so can these words deprive of content any term to which they are prefixed while seemingly leaving them untouched. A weasel word is used to draw the teeth from a concept one is obliged to employ, but from which one wishes to eliminate all implications that challenge one’s ideological premises. “

    Comment by Kevin Marks — February 16, 2007 @ 5:35 pm

the man from ballylongford again

Who could begin to say what's happening
now ? Nobody. Never. However let's begin
with the majestic cormorant in the brown river


southern sunsets that i have seen

don't blame now for not being then : brendan kennelly

Whether in business, science, politics or the arts,
some men, says Simona James, simply theorise
passion out of their hearts

How come atrocities may be forgotten
but one stabbing remark
will haunt the heart forever ?

If it's true that where there's muck there's money
it's also true that the rambling bee
brings home the honey

The people I love the most, says Granny Arden
are those who live and love the moment
and don't blame now for not being then

giraffes that i have gazed upon

birds that brightened my path series 3

left to right top to bottom
- 1. nieuwoutdville, nr calvinia, northern cape
- 2. nr de hoop nature reserve, nr bredasdorp and arniston
- 3-6. de hoop : black oystercatchers (endangered and always in pairs)
- 7. on the banks of the zambezi nr katima mulilo, caprivi, namibia
- 8. on the zambezi nr katima
- 9. on the chobe in botswana


lines from brendan kennelly

some are afraid to love, some are afraid to sing
some are afraid to say how fear
becomes the dominant, shaping, tyrant thing

if we all knew what each one
says of the other would there be
six friends left in the world ?

the economist knows he knows it all
he has a suit, a shirt, a tie, a bag, dead words

'there are three ages of man', says Penelope Dell :
'youth, middle age,
and you're lookin' well'

from "Now"

amateur v professional

i came across one of these photographs in a feed from photonet, and know pretty much the spot in etosha (fischer's pan just beyond twee palms, about 12k from namutoni), from where i took the other three photographs : no prizes for spotting the professional. just look at the light and shadow, gradations versus...well blandness !


lions into whose eyes i have looked

i remember each moment as if it were yesterday

one fine photograph

taken in oregon (from panoramio)

excellent old videos of racing highlights sea bird, sir ivor, nijinsky, crepello, st paddy and others

donkeydentures has uploaded excellent videos of famous racing moments including sea bird winning derby and arc in 1965


cheetahs that i have chanced upon

kgalagadi frontier park (northern cape, south africa) 15 august 2005, evening.
left to right, top to bottom
- a band of brothers (five cheetahs) have been surveying from the height a large herd of springbok
- they move along the ridge
- then descend onto the plain, and ignoring the springbok (to the right in the photo) continue across in indian file
- they head straight towards my vantage point... but give me the springbok treatment

birds that brightened my path series 2

flamingos in pretoria zoo.
all others from kgalagadi frontier park.
- 4th secretary bird
- 5th kori bustard
- 7th martial eagle
- 9th would they be ostriches ?
- others birds of prey (aka raptors) : nearly every tree (of which not many) has its resident raptor
(click on photo to enlarge)

various photos from panoramio

santiago race-track horse has a breather

two trotters

wide angle lens shot of these trotters (from photo.net)

an etosha sunset

this photo has just come through on a google alert for etosha
very fine
follow the link to AFRICA (top left of the page to which above link leads) for some superb photos

english or french ?

source : Le Monde (samedi 10 février 2006)
par : sébastien hervieu
article : Un collectif contre la colonisation de la langue "corporate"

Dans mon bureau openspace, mon manager m'a demandé de préparer as soon as possible un reporting en one-to-one avec un shortlist sur un benchmarking de produits. Ouf, demain je suis en day-off

Pour ma part, no comment

etosha video (found on youTube)

quite good video with african music showing springbok and a few gemsbok

a whale jumps (found on youTube)

somewhere in alaska a whale jumps


birds that brightened my path series 1

from left to right top to bottom :
- francolin (swainson's francolin or spurfowl) kruger 2004; a distinctive call; one of my favourites
- lilac-breasted roller
kruger 2004 widely seen and far from shy
- helmeted guinea fowl
kruger 2004; their raucous call is musical to me
- birds in flight over ezulwini in ndumo near mozambique border 2004
- on the wild beach at cape vidal, north of st lucia in kwazulu natal 2004
- fish eagle near kosi bay, northeastern tip of kwazulu natal (and south africa) on the border with mozambique 2003
- on the banks of the zambezi, nr livingstone, zambia 2005 bee-eaters (i think)
- nr vic falls, zambia 2005
- right on the banks of the zambezi as she goes over the edge at the vic falls, zambia 2005

old videos of famous racehorses

buckpasser winning from an impossible position in 1966link

kingstown town hat-trick of victories 1980-1982 cox plate, melbourne, australialink

northern dancer winning 1964 kentucky derby : note in the commentary "they said northern dancer couldn't be hit but he is now" as the horse just holds on; curious to think that this champion stallion and head of a dynasty had a slight quirk

old footage of man o'war at 24 years of age

old footage of sea biscuit defeating war admiral in their match at pimlico in 1938 (followed on radio it is said by "half the country")

Lester Piggott

Lester Piggott hero of my young days.
top to bottom
- on the mighty sir ivor
- alleged to be on alleged
- in the company of the unique vincent o'brien
- as they say, lifting roberto across the line in the epsom derby of 1972, a nostril to the good of rheingold
- on gladness
- winning the epsom derby of 1970 in imperious fashion, with french champion gyr in his wake

kudus that i have known

locations :
cape vidal (nr st lucia) in south africa

lions that i have lingered with

kruger kgalagadi etosha

as dusk was setting in kruger

17 august 2004, dusk 1 kilometre from lower sabie camp : an extraordinary half-hour
left to right, top to bottom :
- a hyaena begins to move
- a lioness ahead
- she is not alone, minutes later the scene through my windscreen
- and moments later...a lion broadside
- two males pass on the right
- then lay down
- others follow this lead; what danger ?
- an old male cogitates
- the view from beyond the road block...

onto lower sabie camp, the gates now closed, to explain : it is and rightly so a cardinal rule in kruger as in other parks that one must be in camp before closing time (which varies according to sunset).

waters of southern africa

left to right and top to bottom

- zambezi at vic falls on zambian side just before drop
- tranquil evening waters of the zambezi near katimo mulilo
- the chobe in botswana
- a boatman on the kavango in the caprivi strip
- evening time on the kavango near divundu
- a water-hole in etosha
- the skeleton coast on the atlantic near huab
- another wreck in the making just south of swakopmund
- the aquarium in durban


I've heard it in the chillest land

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stop and stare?

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.

from Leisure by W.H.Davies

I've heard it in the chillest land
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet, never, in Extremity,
It asked a crumb of Me.

by Emily Dickinson on Hope

study of a lion track

Early morning August 2005 near Nossob camp in the Kgalagadi Frontier Park, I came across what was clearly a lion track. Yet my guide book on the subject only showed the lower part of the photo as being a lion track : the pad of the paw. So what was the other part ? It turns out that when lions charge their claws (normally retracted) are extended.
This track therefore was evidence that in the quietness of the previous night all was not so calm.


Scenes from Chobe in Botswana; what's known as a river safari. You find a boatman and either go out as in group or solo. And before long herds of elephant are on the banks or crossing the river to an island in the middle. Before your very eyes. Mere yards away. The boatman was cautious, make no mistake. And he certainly wasn't merely yards from the hippo ! Great care must be taken with these animals who hold to their space. My route to Chobe began at Katima Mulilo which is the border town on the eastern end of the Caprivi strip, the Zambezi marking the frontier with Zambia. The name had appealed to me ever since I first heard it and was determined to begin a trip to Namibia from there. Good decision !

gemsbok changing gears

according to my calculations the oryx on the left won the race in a photo-finish...an everyday scene at a waterhole in etosha where the gemsbok (aka oryx) never fail to liven things up; the zebra, girafe, wildbeeste march in from all parts at a sedate pace; as do the gemsbok (second photo) until the mood takes them to change gears; obliging the impala to take evasive action.


lion searching for daniel

an abiding memory of a morning in etosha : a herd of wildebeeste (gnu has a more interesting etymology being derived from the khoikhoi word itself being onomatopaeic for the grunting sound the animal makes) moves slowly in single file across the pan, then has a joyous outburst with the flying dust caught in the morning light; out in the distance - mere black dots - are ostriches, and nearby is the injured but magnificent lion seen in the second photo.