imaginative jargon
A few examples from a site on imaginative jargon with text for RDB modified by me :
Bangalored [adj.]Having been fired after your position was transferred to India. "Last month they bangalored our entire tech support department."
Circular file [n.]The garbage can. "Toss that company newsletter in the circular file for me."
Disambiguate [v.]A ridiculous 5-syllable word invented to replace 'clarify.'
Dopeler effect [exp.]The principle that stupid ideas sound better when they come at you quickly.
LOMBARD [n.]Lots Of Money But A Real Dumbass.
Meta ignorance [n.]Being unaware of what you don't know. A common problem for managers and politicians.
Mouse potato [n.]The modern cousin of the couch potato. They typically spend hour after hour in front of the computer.
Phone shui [n.]In thick buildings, this is the art of adjusting the placement of your cellphone to find a signal.
RDB [n.]Rectal DataBase. Presumed origin of very poor ideas...
Two-comma [adj.]Anything that costs over 1,000,000. "We just landed a two-comma contract this morning."
Yogurt cities [n.]Places that have an 'active culture', meaning a large number of museums, theatres, art galleries, etc.
Zerotasking [v.]Doing nothing.
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